BiodivERsA: Enabling Green And Blue Infrastructure Potential In Complex Social- Ecological Regions: A System Approach For Assessing Local Solutions (ENABLE)

Green and blue infrastructure (GBI)1 is now rapidly recognized throughout the world for its multifunctionality and its large potential to effectively address emerging global challenges. The unique multifunctionality results in that GBI may at the same time may deliver societal benefits while also supporting biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. However, unlocking this multifunctional potential has been largely overlooked both in research, policy and planning and the underlying hypothesis of ENABLE is that unlocking the GBI potential will require the alignment of a large number of critical enabling factors (e.g. user rights, accessibility and structural position) many of which remain unstudied or even recognized. ENABLE aims to fill these gaps by utilizing a transdisciplinary systems2 approach to examine the fundamental relationships between social-ecological dynamics affecting GBI’s potential to meet multi-functional goals, including biodiversity conservation. This approach will: 1) identify the fundamental relationships between GBI, biodiversity and ecosystem services in urbanized regions, 2) improve the understanding of human perceptions and cultural values of GBI and biodiversity, 3) investigate barriers hindering equal access to GBI benefits, and 4) examine critical success factors to improve the analysis, design, management, conservation, performance and assessment of multiple benefits of GBI. Taking these factors into account, the objectives of ENABLE are 1) to advance the operational knowledge of how to set up a transdisciplinary approach to GBI in order to unlock its full potential and 2) to create an assessment framework and develop new analytical tools and approaches for evaluating GBI performance. Ultimately this contributes to secure a sustainable and resilient future for humans and biodiversity in dynamic human-dominated landscapes across Europe.

Principal investigators
Haase, Dagmar Prof. Dr. (Details) (Landscape Ecology and Biogeography)


Duration of project
Start date: 02/2017
End date: 09/2020

Research Areas

Research Areas
Grüne und blaue Infrastrukturen, Ökosystemdienstleistungen, Umweltgerechtigkeit

Wolff, M; Haase, D (2019): Mediating sustainability and liveability – turning points of green space supply in European cities. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Wolff, M.; Haase, A. (2019): Viewpoint: Dealing with trade-offs in comparative urban studies. Cities, Vol.96.
Mascarenhas A, Haase D, Ramos TB, Santos R, 2019. Pathways of demographic and urban development and their effects on land take and ecosystem services: The case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal. Land Use Policy 82, 181–194. doi:10.1016/J.LANDUSEPOL.2018.11.056.
Cortinovis, C; Haase, D; Zanon, B; Geneletti, D 2018. Are cities on the right track? Analysing urban spatial development through the lens of European strategies. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Scheuer, S; Haase, D; Kabisch, N; Wolff, M, Haase, A; Schwarz, N; Großmann, K (2018): Combining tacit knowledge elicitation with the SilverKnETs tool and random forests – The example of residential housing choices in Leipzig. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, DOI: 10.1177/2399808318777500.
Wolff, M; Haase, D; Haase, A (2018): Less dense or more compact? Discussing a density model of urban development for European urban areas. Plos ONE, Vol. 13 (2): e0192326, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192326.
Haase D, Jänicke C, Wellmann T. 2019. Delineating private greenspaces in cities based on subpixel vegetation fractions from earth observation data using spectral unmixing. Landscape and Urban Planning 182, 44-54.
Haase, D, Katharina L, und Manuel W (2018): Unerreichbar nah – Barrieren in der Erreichbarkeit urbaner Grünflächen. 10. September 2018. (Zugriff am 22. Dezember 2018).
Andersson E, Barton D, Borgström S, Davis MK, Haase D, Kronenberg J, Langemeyer J, McPhearson T, Naumann S, Röschel L, Stange E. (2019): Enabling green and blue infrastructure contributions to human well-being. BioScience, Volume 69, Issue 7, 566–574.
Wolff, M; Scheuer, S; Haase, D (2020): Looking beyond borders – revisiting the green space accessibility in Europe. Ecological Indicators.

Last updated on 2022-16-09 at 15:12