The Future of the Economic and Monetary Union: A Franco-German Perspective

A set of political initiatives and the production of new legal documents by European institutions show that a reorganisation of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) after the financial and budgetary crisis appears underway. However, uncertainty remains on the relation between economic and monetary policies, on the one hand, and the constitutional and legal bases, on the other hand. This tension is visible in the Franco-German relations and the way each country expresses legally its vision of the economic and monetary policies. The words used are different: economic constitution in Germany, economic government or governance in France. There is a considerable amount of research done on each national model (France and Germany) and there are specific comparative analyses. However, one must note an absolute deficiency of common research on these subjects in the field of economic public law, field of research that is of growing interest in the public debates. The Franco-German project AVENIR UEM aims at creating a platform of scientific, independent exchange, made up of French and German researchers, to contribute to the debate on the future of EMU.

Principal investigators
Ruffert, Matthias Prof. Dr. (from 03/2017 to 02/2018) (Details) (Public Law / Public Law and European Law)

DFG other programmes

Duration of project
Start date: 03/2017
End date: 02/2018

Research Areas

Last updated on 2025-16-01 at 14:01