IRTG 1800/1: Moduli and Automorphic Forms: Arithmetic and Geometric Aspects

The new international research training group aims at bundling the broad expertise in graduate education at HU Berlin / FU Berlin and at U Amsterdam / U Leiden in the field of arithmetic algebraic and complex algebraic geometry. It comprises the research areas Arithmetic of Moduli; Heights, Densities and Degenerations; and Automorphic Forms, which have mutual interconnections.

Principal investigators
Kramer, Jürg Prof. Dr. phil. (Details) (Mathematics and Didactics)

Further project members
Farkas, Gavril Prof. Dr. (Details) (Algebraic Geometry I)
Große-Klönne, Elmar Prof. Dr. (Details) (Algebra / Number Theory)

DFG: Graduiertenkollegs

Duration of project
Start date: 07/2012
End date: 12/2016

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 19:07