Dairy sector development in Eastern Europe

The dairy sector of non EU countries in Central Europe and countries in Eastern Europe has during more than a decade undergone a major transition phase.
Recent trends indicate a growing domestic demand for quality milk products, an increasing reorganisation of the agricultural sector, and a progressing consolidation of the dairy value chain. This indicates a promising development pattern, and at the same time highlights continuous challenges for further improvements of the efficiency and quality in the dairy sector.
These country specific and regional trends are partially linked to global developments of the dairy market. The FAO/HUB workshop on 18.01.2009 at the occasion of the International Green Week in Berlin will discuss the trends and challenges with invited experts of the dairy sector from FAO and the respective Eastern and Central European countries.
The workshop will identify the competitiveness of the respective dairy sector, current trends and needs for investments, needs and sources of new technologies and collaboration, product quality concerns, the position of small dairy producers, regional niche markets, and environmental concerns in dairying.
Results of this workshop should be of interest to expert participants from Eastern European countries present at the Forum International Green Week and all parties interested in collaborating with the dairy sector of these countries.

Principal investigators
Peters, Kurt Jürgen Prof. Dr. agr. (Details) (Animal Breeding in the Tropics and Subtropics)

Sonstige internationale öffentliche Mittelgeber

Duration of project
Start date: 01/2009
End date: 01/2009

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 17:05