VA: Charles S. Peirce über Symbolizität und Konvention. Zeichen, Sprache, soziale Normen

The American philosopher C. S. Peirce is renowned for his extraordinary ability to introduce new terms and conceptual distinctions that have exerted a great influence on later scholars, both within and outside the traditional domain of philosophy. The concept of abduction, the distinction between type and token, and that between icon, index, and symbol, are good examples of this enduring influence. Nonetheless, the full import of Peirce's terminological innovations is far from being adequately acknowledged. In this sense, the notion of symbol is particularly revealing: Peirce defined it as that kind of sign which refers to its object by means of a convention or a habit. He demonstrated that this notion had substantial implications for a vast host of issues, such as the semiotic status of language and concepts, the operation of reasoning and logic, and the role of both habituation and intersubjective agreement in the constitution of meaning. Over the twentieth century, however, philosophers have tended to downplay the significance of Peirce#s conception of the symbol. And even in the more specialized fields of linguistics and semiotics (where Peirce is unanimously recognized as a "founding father" of the discipline), important features of his theory have often been overlooked - or else, an impoverished and outdated version of that theory has circulated. The international colloquium C. S. Peirce on Symbolicity an Convention: Signs, Language, Social Norms wishes to address these shortcomings. It aims to bring together scholars who have been working on Peirce both from a viewpoint internal to his system and with the goal of opening up new paths of inquiry in disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, and the cognitive and social sciences.The contributed papers will explore the potentialities of Peirce's views on symbols from an interdisciplinary perspective, with an eye to unearthing the contemporary implications of his ideas. Overall, they will be organized along for main questions.

Viola, Tullio (Details) (Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte)

DFG sonstige Programme

Projektstart: 05/2017
Projektende: 07/2017

Philosophie, Philosophiegeschichte, Edition

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2025-16-01 um 14:05