EU: Nachhaltige Zukunft für Europas Kulturlandschaftserbe: Werkzeuge zum Verständnis, zur Verwaltung und zum Schutz von Landschaftsfunktionen und -werten (HERCULES)
Das HERCULES-Projekt zielt darauf ab, öffentliche und private Akteure zu befähigen, nachhaltige Kulturlandschaften auf lokaler, nationaler und gesamteuropäischer Ebene zu schützen, zu verwalten und zu planen. HERCULES hat das Ziel, das Verständnis für Triebkräfte, Muster und sozial-ökologische Werte europäischer Kulturlandschaften zu verbessern und dieses Wissen zu nutzen, um Strategien für ihren Schutz, ihr Management und ihre Planung zu entwickeln und zu testen. Wichtige Forschungsziele sind:
• Synthese des vorhandenen Wissens über die Triebkräfte, Muster und Ergebnisse von Beständigkeit und Veränderung in europäischen Kulturlandschaften
• Schließen von Wissenslücken in Bezug auf die Dynamik und die sozial-ökologischen Werte von Kulturlandschaften
• Generierung von Werkzeugen zur Landschaftsbeobachtung und -modellierung um die Werte und Gefährdungen von Kulturlandschaften in Europa zu verstehen
• Entwicklung einer starken Vision zum Schutz von Kulturlandschaftserbe
• Wissenszusammenstellung für Entscheidungsträger und Akteure, um informierte Entscheidungen zum Nutzen von Kulturlandschaften zu treffen
Beteiligte externe Organisationen
Europäische Union (EU) - HU als Koordinator
Projektstart: 12/2013
Projektende: 11/2016
Kulturgeschichte, Landnutzungssysteme, Landschaftsökologie
de Kleijn, M., F. Beijaard, E. Koomen, R. Van Lanen (2017): Simulating past land use: A modelling framework integrating natural and cultural factors. Journal of Archaeological Science, in press.
Hernandez Morcillo, M., C. Bieling, M. Bürgi, J. Lieskovský, H. Palang, A. Printsmann, N. Schulp, P.H. Verburg and T. Plieninger, T (2017): Priority questions for the science, policy and practice of cultural landscapes in Europe. Landscape Ecology, submitted.
Kizos, T., P.H. Verburg, M. Bürgi, G. Gounaridis, T. Plieninger, C. Bieling and T. Balatsos (2017): From concepts to practice: A portfolio of approaches on drivers of landscape change, Ecology and Society, submitted.
Kizos, T., R. Kohsaka, M. Penker, C. Piatti, C.R.Vogl and Y. Uchiyama, Y. (2017): The governance of geographical indications: experiences of practical implementation of selected case studies in Austria, Italy, Greece and Japan, British Food Journal, submitted.
Lieskovsky, J. and M. Bürgi (2017): Persistence in cultural landscapes: a pan-European analysis. In preparation.
Mann, C., M. García-Martín, J.B. Shaw and T. Plieninger (2017): Integrated landscape management as an operational bridge for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning, submitted.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martín-López, N. Fagerholm, C. Bieling and T. Plieninger. (2017): Using social media photos to explore the relation between cultural ecosystem services and landscape features across five European sites. Ecological Indicators, submitted.
Plieninger, T., R. Kohsaka, C. Bieling, S. Hashimoto, C. Kayama, T. Kizos, P. Kieninger, M. Penker, B. Shaw, G.B. Sioen, Y. Yoshida and O. Saito (2017). Fostering biocultural diversity in landscapes with place-based food networks: a “solution scan” of European and Japanese models. Sustainability Sciences, submitted.
Schulp, C.J.E., C. Levers, T. Kuemmerle, M. Baumann, P.H. Verburg (2017). Past and future land-use changes in Europe’s cultural landscapes. Environmental Science and Policy, in preparation.
Tieskens, K.F., C.J.E Schulp, C. Levers, J. Lieskovský, T. Kuemmerle, T. Plieninger and P.H. Verburg (2017): Characterization of European cultural landscapes: Accounting for structure, land use intensity and value of rural landscapes. Land Use Policy 62C: 29-39.
Zagaria, C., C.J.E. Schulp, A. Kizos, D. Gounaridis and P.H. Verburg (2017): Cultural landscapes and behavioral transformations: An agent-based model for the simulation and discussion of alternative landscape futures in East Lesvos, Greece. Land Use Policy, submitted.
Zagaria, C., C.J.E. Schulp, A. Kizos, P.H. Verburg (2017): Land abandonment in Mediterranean agri-eco-cultural landscapes: Coupling perceptions of farming and tourism futures in Lesvos, Greece. Landscape and Urban Planning, submitted.
Fagerholm, N., E. Oteros-Rozas, C.M. Raymond, M. Torralba, G. Moreno and T. Plieninger (2016): Assessing linkages between ecosystem services, land-use and well-being in an agroforestry landscape using public participation GIS. Applied Geography 74: 30-46.
García-Martín, M., C. Bieling, A. Hart and T. Plieninger (2016): Integrated landscape initiatives in Europe: Multi-sector collaboration in multi-functional landscapes. Land Use Policy 58:43-53.
Kuemmerle, T., C. Levers, K.H. Erb, S. Estel, M.R. Jepsen, C. Kroisleitner, D. Müller, C. Plutzar, J. Stürck, P.J. Verkerk, P.H. Verburg and A. Reenberg (2016): Hotspots of land use change in Europe. Environmental Research Letters 11: 064020.
Levers, C., V. Butsic, P.H. Verburg, D. Müller and T. Kuemmerle (2016): Drivers of changes in agricultural intensity in Europe. Land Use Policy 58: 380-393.
Levers, C., D. Müller, K.H. Erb, H. Haberl, M.R. Jepsen, M.J. Metzger, P. Meyfroidt, T. Plieninger, C. Plutzar, J. Stürck, P.H. Verburg, P.J. Verkerk and T. Kuemmerle (2016): Archetypical patterns and trajectories of land systems in Europe. Regional Environmental Change.
Plieninger, T., H. Draux, N. Fagerholm, C. Bieling, M. Bürgi, T. Kizos, T. Kuemmerle, J. Primdahl, and P.H. Verburg (2016): The driving forces of landscape change in Europe: A systematic review of the evidence. Land Use Policy 57: 204-214.
Raymond, C.M., C. Bieling, N. Fagerholm, B. Martín-López and T. Plieninger (2016): The farmer as a landscape steward: Comparing local understandings of landscape stewardship, landscape values and land management actions. Ambio – A Journal of the Human Environment 45: 173-184.
Raymond, C.M., M. Reed, C. Bieling, G.M. Robinson and T. Plieninger (2016): Integrating different understandings of landscape stewardship into the design of agri-environmental schemes. Environmental Conservation 43: 350-358.
Van der Zanden, E.H., C. Levers, P.H. Verburg and T. Kuemmerle (2016): Representing composition, spatial structure, and management intensity of European agricultural landscapes: a typology. Landscape and Urban Planning 150: 36-49.
Bürgi, M., L. Li and T. Kizos (2015): Exploring links between culture and biodiversity: studying land use intensity from the plot to the landscape level. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 3285-3303.
Estel, S., T. Kuemmerle, C. Alcantara, C. Levers, A.V. Prishchepov, P. Hostert (2015): Mapping farmland abandonment and recultivation across Europe using MODIS NDVI time series. Remote Sensing of Environment 163:312-325.
Fuchs, R.,Verburg, P.H., J.G.P.W. Clevers, and M. Herold (2015): The potential of old maps and encyclopaedias for reconstructing historic European land cover/use change. Applied Geography 59: 43-55.
Karro, K. (2015): Continuing Landscape, Continuing Life: Burial Site of Lahepera in Eastern Estonia. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 25(1): 1-11.
Kolen, J., C. Crumley, G.J. Burgers, K. von Hackwitz, P. Howard, K. Karro, M. de Kleijn, D. Löwenborg, N. van Manen, H. Palang, A. Printsmann, H. Renes, H. Scholten, P. Sinclair, P., M. Veldi, and P. Verhagen (2015): HERCULES: Studying long-term changes in Europe’s landscapes. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45: 209-219.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martín-López, T. Daw, E. Bohensky, J. Butler, R. Hill, J. Martin-Ortega, A. Quinlan, F. Ravera, I. Ruiz-Mallén, M. Thyresson, J. Mistry, I. Palomo, G. Peterson, T. Plieninger, K. Waylen, D. Beach, I. Bohnet, M. Hamann, J. Hanspach, K. Hubacek, S. Lavorel and S. Vilardy (2015): Participatory scenario-planning in place-based social-ecological research: Insights and experiences from 23 case studies. Ecology and Society 20 (4): 32.
Plieninger, T., Bieling, C., Fagerholm, N., Byg, A., Hartel, T., Hurley, P., López-Santiago, C.A., Nagabhatla, N., Oteros-Rozas, E., Raymond, C.M., van der Horst, D., and Huntsinger, L. (2015): The role of cultural ecosystem services in landscape management and planning. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14: 28-33.
Plieninger, T., T. Kizos, C. Bieling, L. Le Dû-Blayo, M.-A. Budniok, M. Bürgi, C. L. Crumley, G. Girod, P. Howard, J. Kolen, T. Kuemmerle, G. Milcinski, H. Palang, K. Trommler, and P. H. Verburg (2015): Exploring ecosystem-change and society through a landscape lens: recent progress in European landscape research. Ecology and Society 20(2): 5.
C. M. Raymond, C. Bieling, N. Fagerholm, B. Martin-Lopez, T. Plieninger (2015): The farmer as a landscape steward: Comparing local understandings of landscape stewardship, landscape values, and land management actions.
Schaich, H., T. Kizos, S. Schneider, and T. Plieninger (2015): Land change in Eastern Mediterranean wood-pasture landscapes: the case of deciduous oak woodlands in Lesvos (Greece). Environmental Management 56: 110-126.
Stürck, J., C. Levers, E.H. van der Zanden, C.J.E. Schulp, P.J. Verkerk, T. Kuemmerle, J. Helming, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Tabeau, A. Popp, E. Schrammeijer and P.H.Verburg (2015): Simulating and delineating future land change trajectories across Europe. Regional Environmental Change.
Van Vliet, J., H. L.F. de Groot, P. Rietveld, and P. H. Verburg (2015): Manifestations and underlying drivers of agricultural land use change in Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning 133: 24–36.
Bieling, C., Plieninger, T., Pirker, H., and Vogl, C.R. (2014): Linkages between landscapes and human well-being: An empirical exploration with short interviews. Ecological Economics 105: 19-30.
Hernández-Morcillo, M., Hoberg, J. , Oteros-Rozas, E., Plieninger, T., Gómez-Baggethun, E., and Reyes-García, V. (2014): Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Europe: Status Quo and Insights for the Environmental Policy Agenda. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 56: 3-17.
Munteanu, C., Kuemmerle, T., Boltiziar, M., Butsic, V., Gimmi, U., Lúboš Halada, Kaim, D., Király, G., Konkoly-Gyuró, É., Kozak, J., Lieskovský, J., Mojses, M., Müller, D., Ostafin, K., Ostapowicz, K., Shandra, O., Štych, P., Walker, S., and Radeloff, V.C. (2014): Forest and agricultural land change in the Carpathian region—A meta-analysis of long-term patterns and drivers of change. Land Use Policy 38: 685–697.
Plieninger, T., Hui, C., Gaertner, M., and Huntsinger, L. (2014): The impact of land abandonment on species richness and abundance in the Mediterranean basin: A meta-analysis. Plos one 9(5): e98355.
Plieninger, T., Van der Horst, D., Schleyer, C., and Bieling, C. (2014): Sustaining ecosystem services in cultural landscapes. Guest editorial. Ecology and Society 19(2): 59.
Raymond, C. M., Kenter, J. O., Plieninger, T., Turner, N. J., and Alexander, K. A. (2014): Comparing instrumental and deliberative paradigms underpinning the assessment of social values for cultural ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 107: 145-156.
Van Zanten, B.T., P. H. Verburg, M. J. Koetse, and P. J.H. van Beukering (2014): Preferences for European agrarian landscapes: A meta-analysis of case studies. Landscape and Urban Planning 132: 89–101.
Ohnesorge, B., Plieninger, T. and Hostert, P. (2013): Management effectiveness and land cover change in dynamic cultural landscapes - assessing a Central European biosphere reserve. Ecology and Society 18 (4): 23.
Plieninger, T. and Bieling, C. (2013): Resilience-based perspectives to guiding high-nature-value farmland through socioeconomic change. Ecology and Society 18 (4): 20.
Plieninger, T., Bieling, C., Ohnesorge, B., Schaich, H., Schleyer, C. and Wolff, F. (2013): Exploring futures of ecosystem services in cultural landscapes through participatory scenario development in the Swabian Alb, Germany. Ecology and Society 18 (3): 39.
Printsmann, A. and H. Palang (2016): Vegetable garden as a source of identity. In: T. Collins, G. Kindermann, C. Newman and N. Cronin (eds.): Landscape Values Place and Praxis. Galway, 29th June – 2nd July 2016. Galway: National University of Ireland, pp. 298-303.
Bieling, C. and T. Plieninger (2017): Leveraging landscape stewardship: Principles and ways forward. In: Bieling, C. and T. Plieninger (eds.): The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, submitted.
Danielsen, F., M. Enghoff, E. Magnussen, T. Mustonen, A. Degteva, K.K. Hansen, N. Levermann, S.D. Mathiesen and Ø. Slettemark (2017): Citizen science tools for engaging local stakeholders and promoting local and traditional knowledge in landscape stewardship. In: Bieling, C. and T. Plieninger (eds.): The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, submitted.
Plieninger T. and C. Bieling (2017): The emergence of landscape stewardship in practice, policy and research. In: Bieling, C. and T. Plieninger (eds.): The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, submitted.
Schulp, C.J.E. (2017): Landscape stewardship and hunting, angling and gathering wild products. In: Bieling, C. and T. Plieninger (eds.): The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, submitted.
Bieling, C. and T. Plieninger (2017): The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Kolen, J., H. Renes, and R. Hermans (eds.) (2015): Landscape Biographies. Geographical, Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on the Production and Transmission of Landscapes. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.