Value Chain Development for Food Security in the Context of Climate Change – A Contribution Through Strengthening Capacity in Higher Education in Eastern Africa
The reduction of hunger and poverty remain one of the most serious challenges the global community is confronted with in spite of considerable efforts made in the past. In the future, the objective of food security will have to be met against a backdrop of agricultural land and against a rapid population growth in developing countries. Climate change reduces the amount of agricultural land particularly affecting countries of Sub-Saharan Africa in which the food situation is already unstable. In countries of East Africa agricultural production and sustainable use of natural resources are of significant importance. ValueSec aims at addressing food security and poverty reduction in Kenya and Ethiopia by strengthening didactical and technical capacity as well as regional integration of HEIs in the target region in order to improve the performance of food value chains in response to challenges of climate change. This comprises the main relevance of the proposed action to the objective/themes/sectors of EDULINK II.
Duration of project
Start date: 11/2013
End date: 02/2017