DFG Research Grant: Designing Collagen-Inspired Template-[Protein]3-Hybrids: From Switchable High Molecular Weight Nanostructures Towards Processing Collageneous Materials for Cell Culture

Objectives of the joint project are the synthesis of collagen-inspired, template-protein hybrids with high molecular weight. Switchable templates enable activation of self-assembly into anisotropic nano-objects with collageneous triple helices. The processing of these objects to fibres, nonwovens or films will provide macroscopic nanostructured materials with directional internal structure.

Principal investigators
Börner, Hans Prof. Dr. (Details) (Organic Synthesis of Functional Systems)

DFG Individual Research Grant

Duration of project
Start date: 01/2014
End date: 12/2017

Research Areas
Biological and Biomimetic Chemistry, Polymer Materials

Last updated on 2025-15-01 at 22:52