Usage of Solar Energy for the Bioelectrocatalysis – Photobiohybrid Eletrodes for the Light-Driven Synthesis of Valuable Substances (II, SP B)

The aims of the Tandem-project are light-triggered electrodes for efficient energy conversion. In the frame of the prolonged period of work it is planned to increase the efficiency of photobio-electrodes and also to couple them with enzymatic conversions. This shall result in a system based on the usage of solar energy for photocurrent generation in combination with the synthesis of valuable substances.
Our project mainly focuses on different protein structures and its characterization for biohybrid applications. One prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of photo-bioelectrodes is the synthesis of very pure and fully active Photosystem I (PSI) complexes. Instead of using PSI crystalline protein, you can also use other photoactive protein complexes, e.g. the reaction center from green sulphur bacteria. We have planned to establish the cultivation of cells to achieve homogenous, fully active proteins. Thereby, the proteins are biochemically, biophysically and structurally characterized. In addition to this, we want to implement the synthesis and isolation of some redox-proteins (e.g. cytochromes) and their interaction with PSI. Furthermore, modifications on PSI are planned.
Another focus lies on generating functional fusion proteins, e.g. formate dehydrogenase (FDH) with PSI. Pre-condition is targeted mutations on PSI or FDH. Moreover, we want to assemble constructs of PSI-subunits with ferredoxin or other redox proteins (e.g. cytochrome P450) and analyse its synthesized products.The long-term objective is the application of a functionally active PSI-enzyme system onto a 3D electrode structure.

Principal investigators
Zouni, Athina PD Dr. (Details) (Honorary Chairs / Professors by Special Appointment / Part-Time Lecturers)

Participating external organisations


Duration of project
Start date: 02/2018
End date: 01/2021

Research Areas
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine, Biophysics, Life Sciences, Molecular Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry, Plant Biochemistry and Biophysics, Structural Biology

Research Areas
Erneuerbare Energien, Membran

Kölsch A, Hejazi M, Stieger KR, Feifel SC, Kern JF, Müh F, Lisdat F, Lokstein H, Zouni A. Insights into the binding behavior of native and non-native cytochromes to Photosystem I from Thermosynechococcus elongates. J Biol Chem. 2018 Jun 8;293(23):9090-9100. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA117.000953. Epub 2018 Apr 25.

Feifel SC, Stieger KR, Hejazi M, Wang X, Ilbert M, Zouni A, Lojou E, Lisat F. Dihemic c 4 -type cytochrome acting as a surrogate electron conduit: Artificially interconnecting a photosystem I supercomplex with electrodes. Electrochemistry Communications 91, June 2018 Pages 49-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2018.05.006

Riedel M, Wersig J, Ruff A, Schuhmann W, Zouni A, Lisdat F. A Z-Scheme-Inspired Photobioelectrochemical H2 O/O2 Cell with a 1 V Open-Circuit Voltage Combining Photosystem II and PbS Quantum Dots. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2019 Jan 14;58(3):801-805. doi: 10.1002/anie.201811172. Epub 2018 Dec 13.

Stieger K, Feifel SC, Lokstein H, Hejazi M, Zouni A, Lisdat. Biohybride Architekturen für eine effiziente Umwandlung von Licht in elektrische Energie durch Integration von Photosystem I in skalierbare mesoporöse 3D Elektroden. Wiss. Beitr. TH Wildau 22: 17-24. Mar 2018.

Kern, J.; Müh, F.; Zouni, A., Structural studies on tetrapyrrole containing proteins enabled by femtosecond X-ray pulses. Metabolism, Structure and Function of Plant Tetrapyrroles: Control Mechanisms of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis and Analysis of Chlorophyll-Binding Proteins 2019, 33.

Ciornii D, Kölsch A, Zouni A, Lisdat F. Exploiting new ways for a more efficient orientation and wiring of PSI to electrodes: A fullerene C70 approach. Electrochimica Acta. Volume 299, 10 March 2019, Pages 531-539.

Last updated on 2024-23-08 at 06:30