CRC 1265/1: The World Down My Street: Resources and Networks Used by City Dwellers (SP C04)
The research project examines how increased spatial mobility affects social network relationships and their spatial arrangements, how spaces are constituted in social networks by heterogeneing the relationships with action, and how these spaces can be used as resources by the inhabitants. We assume that city dwellers develop specific translocal forms of communicative action on social networks in order to secure for themselves and their families those resources that are materially or socially necessary and accessible in the respective city. Specifically, the research project asks whether and how translocal spaces of action are formed and consolidated in social networks, which spatial profits are associated with polycontextural references and their consolidations, and how new forms of local and local educate over-local affiliations.
Duration of project
Start date: 01/2018
End date: 12/2021
Research Areas