CRC 951 I: HIOS - Covalent and non-covalent assembly of conjugated molecular building blocks at semiconductor surfaces (Project A3)
The central goal of this project is to design and synthesize functional molecular building blocks to achieve control over structure formation at inorganic/organic interfaces using both non-covalent and covalent assembly strategies. By varying the electronic and geometrical structure as well as the assembly properties of the conjugated organic molecules (COMs), a synthetic chemist’s approach will be exploited to prepare high-quality HIOS in collaboration with other groups in project area A of the CRC and furthermore to tune the electronic coupling and resulting optical and electronic properties of the thus prepared HIOS.
Participating external organisations
Duration of project
Start date: 07/2011
End date: 06/2015
Research Areas
Research Areas
B. Kobin, L. Grubert, S. Blumstengel,* F. Henneberger,* S. Hecht*, J. Mater. Chem. accepted.