CRC 951/2: HIOS – ZnO/Organic Hybrid Structures (SP A05)
We search for epitaxy-like regimes in inorganic/organic semiconductor hybrid growth by employing the atomistic, electrostatic, and topological structure of the inorganic surface (ZnO, GaN). Goal is the generation of HIOS with properly defined interfaces, high structural order, and optimized design by using an all-UHV inorganic/organic tandem deposition apparatus. We aim at an in-depth understanding of the underlying growth mechanisms as well as the fabrication of functional heterostructures exhibiting efficient electronic, excitonic, and photonic coupling.
DFG: Sonderforschungsbereich
Duration of project
Start date: 07/2015
End date: 06/2019
Subproject of
Research Areas
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics