"Forte Cultura" - Capitalising of fortified cultural heritage for sustainable development and competitiveness of cities and regions

All regions in central Europe are richly equipped with historical fortified monuments, fortress systems and fortified relicts in the landscapes. This unique cultural heritage, partially awarded with protection-status, represents the special identity and attractiveness of Central Europe’s cities and regions. It indicates the European history, as well as important historical events and fallen empires, like the Prussian or Austrian-Hungarian epoch. As general objectives, the project develops new solutions for capitalising of cultural resource fortified heritage for economic growth, cultural and social development as well as sustainable competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions in Central Europe. The project reduces the significant deficits of historical cultural resource fortresses, most of it is not used as development impulses for cities and regions. Generally the fortress heritage needs market implementation, closing of lack of capital, new management quality, a systematic, knowledge based monument protection and modern utilisation. Transnational cooperation should avoid monument destruction with a new quality of regional and local monument policy. There is a strong demand of expert discourse and knowledge transfer, especially for the maintenance of Eastern European fortress heritage. Transnational cooperation focuses also on capitalising of fortified heritage for urban, cultural and social development, promotion of tourism business and conceptual preparation of investments. The historical defence systems have interregional and international dimensions. The protection, cultural utilisation and capitalising is a common transnational challenge. Representatives from 7 Central European states and Ukraine, representing the different epochs and architectures of fortified heritage participate in the project. Experienced and profiled Institutions guarantee a high quality of results.

Principal investigators
Riesbeck, Frank PD Dr. agr. (Details) (Plant Nutrition)

Europäische Union (EU) - HU als Beteiligte

Duration of project
Start date: 08/2012
End date: 12/2014

Last updated on 2022-09-09 at 01:07