CRC 951 I: HIOS - Monitoring HIOS growth: in-situ and real-time X-ray scattering (Project A9)

The goal of this project is a structural characterisation and optimisation of HIOS heterostructures. We will address the questions how high structural quality, desired molecular orientation, and interface morphology in HIOS can be achieved. The work program is organised as follows: firstly, we will study the post growth structure of benchmark organic semiconductors, such as coronene and diindenoperylene, on ZnO; secondly, we will use this knowledge to optimise the growth procedures using real-time X-ray monitoring of growth; and thirdly, we will expand the studies to molecules specially tailored for highly functional HIOS.

Principal investigators
Kowarik, Stefan Prof. Dr. (Details) (Collaborative Research Centre 555 'Complex Non-linear Processes')

DFG: Sonderforschungsbereich

Duration of project
Start date: 07/2011
End date: 06/2015

Last updated on 2022-09-09 at 01:06