180 Jahre Mode am Hausvogteiplatz – Zentrum der Berliner Konfektiongeschichte . Ein praxis- und öffentlichkeitsorientiertes Studien- und Forschungsprojekt.

Hausvogteiplatz and its adjacent streets form one of the
most historic quarter of European clothing history.
The year 1837 went with the establishment of the company "Gebrüder
Manheimer ", which for the first time in German history
(Coats) produced clothing in series: the ready-made garment industry.
Further foundations of clothing factories,
predominantly in Jewish hands, followed immediately, i.a. by Herman
Gerson, Nathan Israel, Rudolph Herzog, Hansen Bang, Friedländer &
Seeler & Cohn and Leopold Seligman. The manufacture of ready-made was
thereby as a groundbreaking development within the global textile and
Clothing industry. With the seizure of power by Hitler and the outbreak
of the
World War II became significant roots of the Berliners
Clothing history wiped out and forgotten. today
only a circular mirror on the Hausvogteiplatz reminds of the
Manufacturers - the former heart of the fashion center. Wrestles today
the capital once again for international recognition on the fashion
of the world. The Fashion Week Berlin increases the city's importance
as a fashion center significantly in recent years. Culturally ignored
and their meaningful context-related are hardly communicated

As part of the seminar "Hausvogteiplatz - Center of Berlin
Clothing history "are said to be the roots and backgrounds of the
Made-up history and in the context of his
historical importance. The space around the
Hausvogteiplatz as the heart of the fashion center takes one
of central importance. It is also about opportunities and
To convey ways or to work out together,
Living culture of remembrance today. How can past worlds / lived
Realities accessible to a broad mass / public today
and be conveyed? On the one hand, this approach includes
historically sound processing of the topic and secondly the
practical implementation within the framework of a living culture of

Principal investigators
Jacobeit, Sigrid Prof. Dr. (Details) (European Ethnology I)
Hahn, Kristin M.A. (Details) (Department of European Ethnology)

Other higher education funding organisations

Duration of project
Start date: 10/2017
End date: 10/2018

Last updated on 2025-23-01 at 10:56