Informal settlement, economic and environmental change and public health - Strategies to improve the quality of life in Dhaka III

The research takes into account the globalised framework of relevant processes, both socioeconomically and environmentally. Local effects are hence embedded in a multiscale framework, providing a focus so as to derive relevant indicators in the context of global, regional and local driving forces. Results will on the one hand facilitate integrated modelling, allowing for future perspectives in the light of relevant processes in the Dhaka context. On the other hand, indicator based and spatially explicit explanation pathways open up the opportunity to transfer results to other megacities.

Principal investigators
Kulke, Elmar Prof. Dr. (Details) (Economic Geography)

DFG: Sachbeihilfe

Duration of project
Start date: 12/2010
End date: 05/2014

Last updated on 2022-09-09 at 03:05