
The aims of the project concern the development of Goobi.Production, the workflow management module of Goobi. While Goobi.Presentation, Goobi's presentation interface, demonstraably already meets all current requirements of a powerfoul open source tool, Goobi.Production is in ugent need of futher development work, the extent of which cannot be finaced and undertaken by the active Goobi community alone. The main aims of this development work are: the modularization of the system architecture, in order to open up futher development perspectives, a notable improvement of unse ergonomics, in order to open up futher development perspectives; a notable improvement of use ergonomics, in order to improve the productiviy; as well as the flexibilization of accepted media types, in order to better meet the requirements of digitization of heterogeneouse collections.

Principal investigators
Degkwitz, Andreas Prof. Dr. (Details) (Director)

DFG: Sachbeihilfe

Duration of project
Start date: 03/2017
End date: 03/2019

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 21:06